Week 2


                             which persisted when I tried to hear the recording, as well. Graham gave us some really impressive examples

                             of what you can do with Twitter, starting from scratch! We were shown how it can bring teachers together,

                             given some very practical, technical advice and even given some tips on how to explore its potential with our students.

                             More importantly, we caught a glimpse of what a PLN can do for you and of the amazing array of tools at our disposal

                             today. Finally, we were given some links to further exploration and some more expert advice and we were introduced to the

                             first European project exploring PLNs, APLaNeT.

                             A very thorough presentation, chock-full of valuable information and, incidentally, lots of fun, too!



                             including some great ideas, practical advice and tech tips.

                    by Peter Duffy & Axel Bruns:   http://eprints.qut.edu.au/5398/1/5398.pdf

                            of these three online tools.

                    by Kerstin Borau, Carsten Ullrich, Jinjin Feng and Ruimin Shen: http://www.carstenullrich.net/pubs/ICWL78.pdf

                             promotes cultural awareness. 


                                      Addressed to both newbies and more accomplished Twitterers.
